Network To Freedom - Underground Railroad
The following article published in the Vincennes Western Sun, on August 27, 1859 is definitive proof that that there was Underground Railroad traffic through Lawrence Co, Il. (Note that the Vincennes Western Sun was a ‘southern sympathizer’ newspaper.)
ARREST OF NEGROES—EXCITEMENT AT RUSSELVILLE,ILL .—“On Friday last five negroes, belonging to a Mr. Atkinson, of Henderson, Ky., were caught near Russellville, Ills., and returned to their owner on the E. and C. R. R. We learn that considerable feeling was manifested by certain parties in Russellville as the Negroes were brought through the town, and threats were made of an attempt to rescue them; but wiser councils prevailed and the abolitionists concluded not to risk the experiment. A white man was arrested at Russellville at the same time, on suspicion of being leagued with the runaways, but as nothing positive could be proven against him, he was permitted to go. He is no doubt a conductor on the under-ground railroad and it is a great pity he was not sent back to Kentucky, with the Negroes to get his just deserts.”