The Blonde Bomber
October 24, 2022 Jay Shidler shared his basketball career with 24 members and guests of the Lawrence County Historical Society. He talked about his experiences growing up in Lawrence County and playing ball for Lawrenceville High School, and later Kentucky. Thanks to Lawrenceville High School for allowing us to borrow a trophy he helped win, and to Jay for sharing why he was nicknamed the Blonde Bomber.
Next month at the History Center, November 28, 7:00pm, the Monday night after Thanksgiving, the Historical Society will be hosting a program about the history of the businesses and buildings located on original Lot 17 of Lawrenceville (the north west corner of State and 12th) from when it was sold in 1823 to the present. There will be old photos and light-hearted fun with Zane Parrott. So, mark your calendars.
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