Hobos Cause Trouble
Lawrence County News October 5, 1910
Residents of South Lawrenceville complain of petty annoyances and depredations of tramps who infest that portion of the city in large numbers. Saturday morning one of them entered Arch Smith’s barn and cut the back straps from a set of heavy harness to make a handle for a box. When followed and accused of the theft, he strongly denied the accusation but was arrested and brought before Squire Jones who held him for the grand jury in the sum of $200.
Sunday morning John Swineheart saw a couple of tramps secrete a bundle in an old shed on the Johnson farm and upon investigation found 2 suits of clothes. Officer Baldwin was notified and together with Arch Smith gave chase to the men. Baldwin is not cut out for a sprinter and was soon distant in the race. Smith gained on his man and just as soon he came in reaching distance, the man pulled a revolver and commanded Arch to stop, and he promptly complied with the command. Later Sheriff Vandament and a number of citizens prosecuted the search for the two men, but without avail. The clothes have the appearance of have been taken from a car as there are no tags or markings on them to indicate they had ever been placed in stock.
Residents of that section are aroused and it has been reported that they will organize in an effort to rid themselves of the hundreds of tramps who congregate there.
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