Glovers and Lackeys Celebrate
Lawrence County News March 27, 1941 Two Lawrenceville Couples Celebrate Golden Weddings
Golden wedding celebrations within a few days of two couples who have been friends and neighbors for forty-nine years of the half century is the unusual event in the lives of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Glover and Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lackey, highly respected Lawrenceville citizens. The Glovers celebrated on Wednesday of this week; the Lackeys will hold open house next Tuesday afternoon.
The lives of these two couples have been closely associated since 1892 when Mr. and Mrs. Glover, married about a year, came to Lawrenceville to engage in the restaurant business and became friends of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lackey, a young couple who had also been married a year.
Mr. Lackey was then county superintendent of schools, and resided in his newly built house at what is now 702 State Street, where they have continued to live. Mr. and Mrs. Glover, unable to find suitable quarters, occupied rooms over their place of business in a building on the corner where Stillwell and Wright now conduct a service station.
In the early years of the Glover couple, they moved from the first location one on the north side of the square and at one time, for several weeks took rooms with Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lackey. Their final location for a home within the early years of their married life, was at what is now 803 Jefferson Street, just around the corner from the Lackey residence.
During the half century of married life of these two couples, Mrs. Glover and Mrs. Lackey have been “drop in” friends, neighbors who were always welcome to come in at any time of the day or night, and neighbors who were always on hand to share in the joys and offer assistance in time of sickness or trouble.
Mr. Glover and Mr. Lackey have likewise have been good friends. Mr. Glover has seen business men by the dozens come and go until he is now the oldest merchant in point of years in the city. Mr. Lackey, starting in the teaching profession in the 80s and being elected superintendent of schools in 1891, following that by the legal profession, is the oldest professional man in point of years, in Lawrenceville. He too has seen school leaders, lawyers, and men of the cloth come and go by the dozens.
There are other similarities in the lives of these two couples. Each has been blessed with four children and neither family has had a break by death. Furthermore, Mr. and Mrs. Glover have three boys and a girl; Mr. and Mrs. Lackey have three girls and one boy.
Both couples, wives and husbands, are staunch Democrats and both families have been supporters of, and workers in, the church.
George G. Clover and Miss Lula Workman were married at Ingraham, Indiana, where they lived for the first year. Their four children Mrs. Audrey Riley, Harry, Karl and Byron Glover were born in Lawrenceville and continue to live in this vicinity.
The celebration of the 50th anniversary was left with Mrs. Glover to plan and she, feeling that the greater number of their friends had known them better in connection with the confectionery on the West side of the square, held open house there Wednesday afternoon. A huge cake, the gift of the employees of the Glover bakery, was served to those who went in to offer the happy couple the returns of the day.
“It is not a business anniversary,” said Mrs. Glover, “but the business has been very much our home and it is where our friends have seen Mr. Glover and me oftenest. We think that they will feel freer to come there than to our home.”
Mr. George W. Lackey and Miss Theresa Whiteneck were married at Vincennes and came immediately to Lawrenceville to make their home. The couple met while attending Indiana Central Normal College. Mrs. Lackey admits that they were married on the faith that Mr. Lackey would be elected superintendent of schools that fall, he having already been nominated on the Democratic ticket.
Mr. and Mrs. Lackey left the plans of their celebration with the children who in turn planned a large family dinner for March 30 and open house for Tuesday afternoon April 1. All of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lackey are welcome to call at the home on Tuesday where open house will be held from 2:30 to 10:30pm.
Ed Note: The Lackey House was town down to build City Hall on State Street and the Glover house was similarly torn down in order to build the apartments across from the Police Station.
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