Christy's Texaco Station

The lower left-hand corner of the picture above is now the landscaped corner at State and 11th street. The white shed-like building is believed to have housed the Boston Shoe Shop operated by Max Freedman. The wooden building was removed to build the Texaco Service Station that was located on this corner for many years. But there was a business presence here even before the service station.
Dr. Gore purchased the buildings in 1907 previously occupied by Calvert’s’ Meat Market, and the Organ Barber shop. George Organ had previously purchased the barber shop from George Sturgeon in 1907.
By 1922, the following businesses could be found in the old frame buildings—some upstairs and some downstairs as well as in the basement: Dr. Charles Gore's office, Struples’ Millinery shop, and Sturgeons Barber Shop.
The new service station belonging to the Indian Refining Co. was opened to the public in early December of 1923. It was described as a beauty and a decided improvement over the old frame building that had occupied the corner for so many years. Courteous, competent men would be in charge and drivers would find the Indian Service Station more than a place for the sale of gas and oils. The free service included water, air and crank case inspection.

From 1930-July 5, 1951, Stillwell and Wright Service Station was operated here for 21 years. Under the business plan of Indian Refining Co., the station was operated on a salary basis until 1931. At that time the Texas Co. gained control of the Indian Refining Co. and the lease on the station was obtained by J. J. Stillwell and Gentry Wright. The property itself at that time was owned by Mrs. C. P. Gore and was under a long-term lease with The Texas Company.

Note the white "suede" shoes and straw boater hats as well as the car across the street.

Note the brick paved streets and traffic signal in the middle of the intersection.

After WWII, Veteran Paul Leach returned to Lawrence County and purchased the station from J J Stillwell and Gentry Wright. He operated the Texaco Station at 11th and State Street from 1950-1958. On July 1, 1958, Harry Stockfleet purchased the stock and supplies from Leach and leased the station from The Texas Company.
About September 1958 Bob Christy purchased the station from Harry Stockfleet and operated the Texaco station for 21 years until 1979. It became well-known as Christy’s Texaco Station.
At some point in time, the Service station was demolished, and the corner was purchased by Golden Rule Insurance Company. Then it resold. If you have additional photos, or history about this location please contact