Businesses After the Civil War
From the Vincennes Weekly Gazette published January 31, 1867, a writer describes the businesses in Lawrenceville at that time.
Lawrenceville . Jan. 29.1867
Editor Gazette:- Thinking that your readers might be glad to hear something from the "loyal" county of Lawrence, I take the liberty of writing a few lines to you for the purpose sf placing before your readers (in our county) the names of the business men of our little town. First in the dry goods line we have Mr. T. W. Roberts, Messrs. G. W. Wise & Co., and Mr. T. Plummer.
In the drug trade we have Messrs. Carter & Abernathy; and in the grocery trade Messrs. Roberts Bros. and Messrs. McLauglin and Tracy.
Mr. T. W. Roberts of the dry goods trade is deservedly taking the lead in his branch of business. We say deservedly, for in our candid manner of thinking, he has constantly a better assortment of goods and sells lower than any firm in our place, and he is, with all, a genial, courteous businessman- traits that would cause any man to succeed with our warm and honest hearted farmers.
Of the firm of Carter & Abernathy, little need be said. Dr. C. W. Carter is a graduate of the Kentucky School of Medicine, of Louisville Ky., who came to our town in the Spring of 1861, and entered upon the practice of medicine in partnership with Dr. A. J. Powell. In July of the same year, he and Mr. William Mieure of this place raised a Company of volunteers, which was mustered in as Company G, 11th regiment of Missouri volunteer infantry, in which regiment the Dr. served with distinction for three years. At the expiration of his term of service he returned to this place, since which time he has in connection with the practice of medicine, carried on the drug business at this place, and we are happy to say he controls the respect and custom of all good Union men of our county.
Mr. D. B. Abernathy has been associated with Dr. Carter in the drug trade since October 1866. Mr. Abernathy is a lawyer of the finest talent, has lived since his youth, in or near the town of Lawrenceville, and all persons that know him are satisfied that no one can do better than to entrust their pension, bounty and law business to his hands.
Of the Grocery trade we have only to say, that Mr. John Roberts, of the firm of Roberts & Bro., is a young man of the first standing, has a good reputation as a grocery dealer, keeps everything in the grocery line, and knows how to make a reasonable living on small profits; therefore he maintains a number one trade, to which he is justly entitled.
The firm of McLauglin & Tracy are from your city. They came to our pleasant little village during the fall of 1866. They are young men of upright, honest, business habits, have a general stock of groceries and are doing a good trade in furs, game, etc. They are determined to advance; and from their motto of “small profits and large sales,” we have no doubt of their being able to build up a trade, second to none in our place.
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