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Bird Station News July thru December 1885

Writer's picture: Lawrence LoreLawrence Lore

Main Street, Birds 1902

News of Bird Station, as it was then called in 1885, was reported in the Robinson Constitution. Research in these old newspapers was done by D Foote.


July 1, 1885-Birds

 John B. Regan is handling lumber here for Trimble, of Robinson. Parties desiring anything in that line would do well to call on the "Squire."


July 1, 1885

 Miss Clara Blinegoes to Pinkstaff the first of next week to teach vocal and instrumental music. (She is from Annapolis)


July 15, 1885

 The deputy sheriff of Lawrence County had $70 stole from his pants pocket a few nights ago. (Ed Note: Was he wearing them?)


Aug 26, 1885-Birds

 The S.S. (Sunday school) at this place is in a flourishing condition under the Superintendency of Mr. Kingsburg.

 The entertainment given by the dramatic club Thursday night is pronounced very good.

 Wm Hutchinson & T.M. Calvert are buying wheat for the Sumner Milling Co. This is the first firm that has bought wheat here for some time and paid cash as they go.

 Wm Lynch of Russellville was arrested last Thursday on the charge of selling liquor. The trial is set for Wednesday. For our part we do not believe Mr. L. is guilty; we think some of policemen come nearer of being guilty than Mr. Lynch.


Aug 26, 1885

 S.B. Rowland, a Lawrenceville attorney, was in town last week on legal business.


Sept 2, 1885

 Palestine item: Quite a number of our townspeople attended the picnic at Russellville Wednesday of last week.

 Burglars entered the house of M.W. Knott, near Birds, Friday evening, carrying away a suit of clothes, a fine gold ring and several other trinkets. Late in the evening it being discovered, Mr. Knott and Jas. O'Brien, of Birds, started in pursuit knowing the description of the festive burglars. ‘Twas easy to follow Saturday morning and they were only an hour behind then at Duncanville. With the assistance of Geo. W. Jones, deputy sheriff, and Uncle Bill Johnson they were captured late that evening, the biggest burglar wearing the suit stolen. All the property was recovered and they were taken to Birds on the passenger train that night. The oldest was about 23 years old, red headed with a red mustache, median height would weigh about 145. The younger was no more than eighteen summers, low in stature, dark hair and smooth face, a little cross-eyed. His weight was not far from 125. The elder man gave his name as J.P. Fisher. The other as Chas. Callahan. 'Tis fortunate that these fellows were run- in as there has been too much of this kind of business going on of late in the south part of this county and Lawrence.


Sept 2, 1885-from Birds

 G.P. Clayton is handling lumber here for Wiseman & Brubaker of Robinson,

 Jack Daily and Ike Shields are going to build a barn for a Mr. Richey near Goff's mill.


Sep 16, 1885

 John P. Broderick, co-assessor of LaMotte Township, who now resides at Bird Station, visited Palestine last week.

 John Shinkle of Birds, was in town Thursday.


Sept 16, 1885 from Birds

 Wm Bird is still our section (railroad) boss, and is likely to remain so.

 John Drake of Crawford County, has located in Birds.

 Jas D. Fawn, formerly of Flat Rock, is now freight agent at this place, Cochran & Borden having been removed.

 John B. Regan has been appointed Postmaster here, but will not take position until the first of Oct.


Sept 30, 1885

 George Hasson of Russellville, died Tuesday evening, of typhoid fever and was buried by the Knights of Honor there yesterday afternoon. He held a half rate ($1,000) certificate in the K of H, and as he has no relatives in this country, the money goes to one of his sisters in Ireland. (Vincennes Sun). (Irene Black’s Cemetery book page 616:George Hasson died September 23, 1885 aged 24 yrs and is buried in the Price Cemetery.)


Oct 7, 1885

 Miles W. Curry of Russellville was in Robinson Thursday.


Oct 7, 1885-from Birds

 A Sunday school was organized here for the winter term, Sunday, with Silas White at the helm.

 Sam Pinkstaff,formerly of this place, but now of Perryville, Ky., will open out a stock of goods at this place in a few days.


Nov 4, 1885

 Wm D. Keenan was appointed postmaster at Annapolis last week and W.H. Brown at Chauncey.


Nov 11, 1885-from Birds

 Mr. Henry Adams, of Allison, died Wednesday evening from injuries received by being thrown from a buggy, eight or ten days ago. ( Irene Black’s Cemetery book page 224: Henry H Adams, died November 4, 1885 aged 43 months, 6 months.)

 John T. Mills, the man who a Crawford county girl jilted, was married last Thursday to a Miss Abshire of Petty. ( Il Marriage Index: John T Mills married Belle Abshire Nov 5, 1885 in Lawrence County.)

 J.T. Wood and B.F. Gosnell will commence taking the machines out of the Crawfordsville mill this morning. It will be brought here and rollers added and Birds can boast a flouring mill.

 Mr. Freeman Plummer, living west of here will locate in Birds this week, and, will probably launch out in the dry goods business.

 The negro Minstrel troupe that came from Palestine here, beat Mr. Cook, our hotel man out of most of their board bill.


Dec 9, 1885

 Mrs. Mary Highsmith visited her daughter, Mrs. Vic Pinkstaff at Pinkstaff station, last week.

 Mr. J.W. Douglas, of Lawrenceville, attended Odd Fellows lodge Friday night.


Dec 9, 1885 from BIRDS

 J.H. Allison attended the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows at Springfield last week.

 This place will have a telegraph office this week. Something very much needed.

 Wampler & Weger are shipping a large amount of hogs. Emmons Bros. also shipped a good many. Price is three dollars.

 The dwelling of Wm Bird came very near burning Saturday morning, but our bucket brigade was out on time and downed any fire engine in the county.

 J.E. Pinkstaff,of Pinkstaff Station will locate here this week.

 When the mill gets started here our village will have one flooring mill, one sawmill, three dry good stores, one drug store, one family grocery, three millinery stores, one boot and shoe shop, two blacksmith shops etc. No school house or church. What a shame.


Dec 16, 1885

 Calvert & Hutchinson are buying all the corn they can get.

 Mr. J.W. Miller, of Russellville, was in Robinson on Friday.

 Mr. Wm Cannon, of Heathsville, with Mr. John Wilbur, of Lawrence County, gave us a pleasant call Wednesday and had bids printed for their lecture and festival to be given at the Canaan church on the night of the 23rd.


Dec 23, 1885

 The little town of Birds, some fifteen miles south of Robinson, in Lawrence county, was visited by burglars Thursday night. Mr. J.H. Klinger, who runs a general store suffered the greatest loss. Entrance was affected through a rear window. The tools used for the purpose had been taken from the new mill that is being built in town. The goods taken consist of gloves, silk handkerchiefs, hoods, jewelry and several suits of clothing. The next place that attracted their attention was the P.O., which is kept in a grocery store. Entrance likewise gained through a rear window in the building. Their loss amounted to but a few dollars; a few cans of peaches and other eatables were about all that was taken. The post office department was not bothered at all--some change in the drawer was not disturbed, they were no doubt, afraid to bother "Uncle Samuel's" property. There is no clue as to who done the devilment. There were several strangers in town during the week, who had no perception of business, the conclusion is, therefore that some of those fellows are the guilty ones.


Dec 30, 1885-from Birds

 There will be a negro show here during the holidays. T.C. Cook will house them.

 Wm Birds, (RR) section boss at this place, who was badly hurt a few days since by being run over by the hand cart is now able to be out.

 John C. Reynolds has just completed a new house in the west end. This makes two houses John has built this year.


Dec 30, 1885

 The Russellville Masonic Lodge No 348 , elected, , officers for the following year last week: A.N. Little--W.M.; Jno A. Mickey-S.W.; Jas W. Lindsay- J.W.; E. Rundle-Treas; D.P. Dailey-Sec'y

 The Sumner Press came to this office last week printed on colored paper with a large holiday supplement. Quite an attractive issue.

 J.W. Douglass, landlord of the Union House of Lawrenceville was in town Saturday.



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