1108 Jefferson Street
South Side
Present Day: Vacant (Owner Brian Straub)

1985 -2012: When this building was built, it was divided into three separate business locations but at some time all three were combined into the present layout. Magness Variety and Hardware Store operated in the larger space.
1957: East and Middle Section combined
1957-1972: Ben Franklin, a five and dime variety store, was in business in the combined east and middle section. In 1957 the store was remodeled to combine the dimestore location with the adjacent one, recently vacated by the Smith Sales and Service Uptown store. The store was then strictly modernized with self-service counters, a completely new front and show windows. Woodrow W. Magness became the owner until he sold it to the Tresslar Co. of Vincennes, IN on Oct 4, 1972. The phone book listed the owner then as Roy Tracy.
East Section
1950: W W Magness purchased the M & W Variety store and by 1951 the city directory listed this location as the home of a Ben Franklin store.
1108 1/2 Jefferson Street
1966: This address was listed as the Office of the Lawrence Co. Selective Service (Local Board 154). Before that, in 1941 the Board was located on the second floor of the courthouse. The address by 1972 was given as # 1118 Jefferson. Whether the office had moved or the post office had just assigned different numbers is unknown.
1941-59: Pioneer Finance Co with W H Boyd, President and Herman L Loeb, Secretary-Treasurer had their offices in Room 3 of the Gee building.
1941: In addition to the Pioneer Finance Co, Attorney Lester B. Fish had offices upstairs as well as did the Red Cross Workshop.
1108 B Jefferson Street
(Middle section of building)
1941-1956: In 1950 Smith Sales & Service held a grand opening in this location but the city directory indicates the business was located there in 1941 with the store being managed by Chas. R Campbell. In 1952 Charles V. Kresge was the manager. On September 27,1956, a newspaper ad announced that they had lost their lease and were moving east of Lawrenceville on US Highway 50.
The middle section was then combined with the section on the east side (left).
1939- 1941 The Davis Tire and Battery Co owned by Richard E. Davis, was located here prior to relocating August 28, 1941 to a building on West State St. Mr. Davis sold radios and bicycles as well as Goodrich tires and batteries.